Lalaina Rackson

 Hi everyone! My name is Lalaina, I'm 29 years old and I am technically the co-founder of "Ambassadors of Heaven" (God being the actual founder and creator behind this brand 😊).

I gave my life to Christ in 2018, in a time when I was struggling with my mental health and what my purpose in life was. God literally guided my steps from Paris, France to Melbourne, Australia and right into the church that I am now planted in, Planetshakers Church.

Growing up, I knew the name of Jesus but I did not know who He was on a personal level. To be honest, I had no idea that you could know God personally.

I initially moved to Melbourne to be an Au Pair and the family that hosted me offered to pay for me to go to this young adult camp the church was running. On the first night I felt the presence of God, for what seemed to be the first time in my life but little did I know that I had actually felt the fire of God the night that I made the decision to move to Melbourne. I only realized that fact after a little while along my journey with Christ!

By the grace of God, I have now been living in Melbourne for 5 years, graduated bible college in 2023, have been serving in the youth ministry for 4 years, have had the opportunity to work at a Christian school where I have had the honor to help and encourage the youth of today and more importantly, I have seen the abundance of God's love and provision over my life. And I know that He is not done yet! 

To be honest, this brand has been through a lot over the years. It actually started back in 2019, when I started a blog about "authenticity" where I would encourage people to be their true self, the self that God has created them to be. Then, I quietly tried to endeavour into turning it into a brand by giving a shot to cricut printing but the shirts were short lived and I have some in the back of my closet with missing letters to prove that... ðŸ˜… 

For years, it's been a battle of "should I do this?" - "No, I can't! I don't know what I'm doing!" - "Where do I start?" - "How do I do this?" etc...

I would have this constant stirring in my heart and no other way of expressing it but with a brush, some paint and random pieces of clothing that I already owned. To me, clothes are more than just clothes, they tell a story, so I would tell my story by writing it on my clothes.

When people would ask about my customized clothes, I would shyly say that it was my brand but I was never really confident to actually start it.

Throughout the years God would continue to stir my heart and give me words to start this brand but just like Jonah, I would run away and hid behind excuses of "I'm not good enough", "I don't know how to do this", "other people can do it better" etc...

But just like Jonah's story, when God says something, He will not let it go just because we are running away. Thankfully, I was not swallowed by a big fish like Jonah!

And God being the good God that He is did not let my running away go to waste but instead during that time He was refining not only myself but also this idea He had given me. 

On Sunday, June 6th, 2022, our senior Pastor, Pastor Russell Evans, preached on being Ambassadors of Heaven. And God nudged me but I had no idea why. It was a couple of months after that message when God brought those three words back to me: "AMBASSADORS OF HEAVEN". Then it hit me, that is who God has created us to be! He created us to be "Ambassadors of Heaven". We are here to represent Christ to the world. This is our true authentic self!

So after many attempts to run away from what God had put on my heart since 2019, I am honored to finally present to you...

A M B A S S A D O R S  O F  H E A V E N

A brand that empowers people to be who God has created them to be and do what He has called them to do. A brand made of meticulously crafted pieces that one can wear to share their story and bring glory to God wherever they go. It is a brand with a purpose for people with a purpose.

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